An end to an ending

November 15, 2023 - 11:22

Kayhan analyzed the failure of oppositionist media and wrote: The current war in Gaza and the struggle of American spy services and the Zionist regime with various challenges has caused the financial and political support for anti-Iran groups to fizzle.

Media outlets that have been active against the Iranian nation can no longer be supplied by Israel. In the past year, oppositionists have come to realize that their hopes for the destruction of Iran were nothing but literal illusions. Foreign spy services have also seen the true colors of anti-Iran groups and realized their impotence against the Islamic Republic. This has caused several anti-Iran media outlets to gradually lose the West’s support and begin to grapple with financial issues. The process of these media outlets’ downfall began right after their vicious plots failed in the fall riots of 2022. Despite the significant investments of foreign spy agencies, all the money spent on Iranian oppositionists failed to bring Iran to its knees. These so-called media outlets, that are nothing but warmongers and misinformation dissemination campaigns, have always been on a quest to find sponsors for their criminal plans. But now that the truth has been revealed, no master is willing to finance these people any longer.    

Iran: Skillful stage management

In a note, the Iran newspaper addressed the strong and successful diplomacy of the Raisi administration and wrote: Ebrahim Raisi and Mohammad bin Salman held talks in a sincere atmosphere. That’s while Western governments and Israel, in order to secure their illegitimate and illegal interests, have been pouring their efforts into spreading Iranophobia among Arab countries for several decades now. They have been doing everything in their power to affect the relations of Iran and its Arab neighbors. The West has been trying to make the ears of the world deaf to Iran's voice and limit the country’s clout in the field of diplomacy. Iran's insight, strength, resistance, and appropriate maneuvers were enough to eliminate the Arab countries' previous guard against the Islamic Republic. That has caused the political stance of Iran and Arab countries in the region to become aligned, in the face of the latest conflict in Gaza. Perhaps that’s why former U.S. President Donald Trump has claimed that Iran is controlling the region, calling the country’s leaders smart and clever. 

Shargh: Biden's unwillingness to expand conflicts

Shargh devoted its headline to the expansion of tension in the region. It wrote: It was discussed earlier that now there are efforts to directly involve Iran in the war between Hamas and Israel, and also, the more important issue is combining the developments in the Middle East with the nuclear issue of Iran. It seems that now the Europeans and America are trying to put the issue of Iran's nuclear program on the agenda along with this war. In this regard, on Sunday of this week, American National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said: "Iran's nuclear program and its danger will be on the agenda of the upcoming meeting of the leaders of the United States and China." However, the New York Times expressed in a report that Joe Biden has prevented strong military action against forces that he claims are Iranian proxies in the region and has rejected more aggressive bombing options against the militias proposed by the Pentagon to prevent a wider conflict.

Hamshahri: Europe's false and repeated claim against Iran
In a commentary, Hamshahri addressed Europe's false claim and said: The Politico news site considering Iran a direct threat to Europe after Operation Al-Aqsa Storm stems from a false and unrealistic analysis. It says that Iran's government, which is an avid supporter of resistance groups like Hamas and never seems to miss an opportunity to call "death to Israel or death to America," is continuing its path toward nuclear weapons. While slogans in Tehran may be more focused on the United States, Europe is relatively more exposed to suffering from blows caused by Iranian missiles and drones. It is also prone to the danger of getting its oil and gas supplies cut off by the country. In addition, there is a severe economic risk posed to Europe by Iran's threatening position and support for proxy forces throughout the Middle East (West Asia). Finally, having a nuclear weapon along with advanced missile technology to deliver would empower and embolden Iran to escalate its nuclear threat not only against Israel but also against Europe. Thus, one option remains for Israel, Europe, and the United States: an "only Tipstaff" approach that maximizes military, economic, and diplomatic pressure on Iran.

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